
Gary Matthews

“Gary Matthews is a ‘man who notices such things’; his eye is in for Cornwall especially, but also for France, Wales, Japan, the Orkneys. His eye and mind light upon detail and import of landscape – quoit, flower, wind-flattened tree, the malice of a cockerel. The tone is reticent, but holding profound affection for the natural world, and for history, both human and personal. Scrupulous insights are drawn both from the edge-lands and from the centre core of experience, sometimes expressed ruefully, sometimes with sharp wit, but always with clarity and confidence. This poet is walker, birder, beekeeper, and his poems hold richly-lived life in subtle empathetic regard. The reader will find here an abundance of poems possessing great generosity of spirit.”

Penelope Shuttle

“Gary’s poems so perfectly match the timbre of his voice.”

Andrew Lanyon

About the author: Gary was born in Essex but has lived in Cornwall for most of his life. He has been an active member of Falmouth Poetry Group for over 30 years, and its chair since 2013.

He was poet in residence at The Giant’s Quoit, Carwynnen, Troon during its restoration.

A slim volume of 55 pages, capturing some of the best of Gary’s work.