In Personam

Poems by Andrew Robinson

“Andrew Robinson’s debut pamphlet introduces us to a poet of direct address and rhythmic acuity. Here are plain-spoken compelling poems drawing their energy and perception from the minefield of family life and the emotional dynamics encountered there. The wider world is visited, love poems and elegies also, where insight and sorrow are evenly balanced. The poet’s sharp observing eye and wit add greatly to this reader’s pleasure.”

Penelope Shuttle

“The best of these striking and individual poems reflect poignantly on matters of life, death, loss and love, those perennial themes. By waiting long and thinking deeply, Andrew Robinson has here distilled a lifetime into these distinctive poems which are variously wry, frank, witty rueful, challenging and profound.”

Duncan Forbes

A slim volume, a 52 page anthology of selected pieces from Andrew Robinson’s works, published in 2022.

About the author: Andrew lives in Truro. He likes cooking and spends his time listening to people. His children still speak to him.